
The Following CV for HR


Basic Information

Address : Room 314, Computer Science Building, NO. 825 Zhangheng Rd,
          Shanghai, 201203, P.R.China
Phone   : (+86)139-1785-4916
E-mail  : guobaojiang@foxmail.com 

English & Computer Skills

  • CET-6.
  • Proficient in C/C++, Matlab programming language.
  • Familiar with Linux, Emacs, git/github, Lisp.
  • Have certain experience in Database, MySQL, Machine Learning.


  • Sep.2011-present Graduate Student of Computer Science at Fudan University.
  • Sep.2007-Jul.2011 B.S. Information and Computing Science at Jiangnan University.

Scholarship & Award

  • 2012-2013 Third Prize Scholarship for Graduate Students.
  • 2010-2011 National Scholarship for Encouragement.
  • 2010-2011 quad First Prize Scholarship for Undergraduate Students.
  • Nov.2009 Third Prize in CUMCM (Contemporary Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Jiangsu Group).
  • 2008-2009 Second Prize Scholarship for Undergraduate Students.

Work & Social Experience

  • Mar.2013-present Teacher Assistant for the undergraduate course: Introduction to Computer System.
  • Nov.2012 Attend the PCM2012 (Singapore) and gave presentation.
  • Mar.2012-Jul.2012 Teacher Assistant for the undergraduate course: Introduction to Computer System.
  • Jul.2010 Joint the ERP system develop team (Java+Spring+JDBC+MySQL).

Self Evaluation

Be honest and friendly; working with plan and serious; have strong
self-learning ability; good at communicating and cooperating with
others; have strong ability of self-discipline and time
management; like sharing knowledge with blog; enjoy reading, about
150 books reading (including literature, history, philosophy, IT
etc.) so far. 

Paper List

  • Hong Lu, Guobao Jiang, Zhuohong Cai, and Xiangyang Xue. A Novel and Adaptive Method for Image Search Reranking. Accepted by The 9th International Forum of Digital TV & Wireless Multimedia Communication (IFTC2012), Shanghai, P.R.China.

  • Hong Lu, Kai Chen, Guobao Jiang, Renzhong Wei, and Xiangyang Xue.Leverageing Exemplar and Saliency Model for Image Search Reranking. Accepted by The 2012 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2012, oral), Singapore.